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The purpose of this site is to share my experiences and views during this time of ascension in hopes it assists those on their own journey to their highest self.

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About me...

Hello! My name is Shay. I am an intuitive-empath; light worker-warrior; master builder of 5D; a wife, and mom with three small beautiful beings. My spiritual awakening has been a gradual process throughout this lifetime. Ever since I was a young child I had been infatuated with learning about the “paranormal” and was searching for the bigger picture.

However, in 2012 my spiritual evolution all began to speed up dramatically after experiencing a few major events that I perceived as “traumatic.” By 2017 I began to understand what was really happening. It was then that I began to notice that I was having a hard time differentiating between my dream state and reality. (This coming from a lucid dreamer..) I often felt disassociated with my body, especially while driving, which was terrifying.

A chat with my good friend opened my eyes, as she was having similar experiences.  Now it was time to really figure out WHY we felt this way. It had been years of awakening coming to a fork in the road. Either go insane or figure out what’s happening to us. From here we participated in a group meditation circle which was fucking profound. I had never REALLY been successful at meditation, yet here I was doing it for an hour with a group of strangers. It was during these group sessions that I really grasped the idea of a collective consciousness. We would pick up on each others energy, thoughts, feelings, and even share visual experiences. 

From here I began deep diving even more into meta-physics and ascension, just taking in as much information as I could. At first it was tricky because it was a whole new language to me. I didn’t understand a large portion of terms they used, but eventually it all began to click.  I found that every question I sought the answers to just led me right to my next question! During this time I began a solid meditation practice that brought me so much information and a sense of knowing. 

This journey has taken me through immense transformations, which only seems to intensify. My hopes with this site is to share my experiences so that others on their ascension path can find comfort in knowing others are going through something similar.  Everything on this site is my personal perspective and my personal truth, which is ever-evolving. Take what you wish and leave the rest. 


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My personal Grand Solar Event

on January 9th, 2021 myself and some members of my family observed a grand solar event, while visiting the battlefield in Gettysburg, PA. This video details our profound, life altering experience.

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The Great Awakening

My personal explanation of 'The Great Awakening' is this a time where humanity "wakes up" to the idea that we all come from a higher power. It’s also the awareness that we all share a collective consciousness within the quantum energetic field, leading to a realignment with God Source/ Christ consciousness. 

For a very long time, we have been living in a manipulated A.I. matrix, rather than the natural matrix originally intended for humanity here on Earth. We are now in the process of exposing and ending old 3D systems. Our political, financial, medical, educational, and food systems have all been intentionally designed to work against humanity and our beautiful planet. As a collective, those who awaken will work to build a new 5D Earth creating systems that are designed in alignment with humanity and Earth. Part of this process is disclosure. We cannot fix what we do not see is broken. So as the old world falls apart around us, we must keep our vibration high and work on building our dream micro-world in order to best assist the macro-world.This is our mission. 

Ascension & Raising Your Vibration. What does it mean?

Our solar system has entered into a photon belt of light, bringing us out of the dark ages and into the dawning of the Golden Age.  

This process has our Earth, and all planets, going through immense changes as they ascend into this new era. The Earth has a heart beat, a vibration, that began to increase in 2017, as measured by the ‘Schumann Resonance.’ As her vibration and frequencies increase, we too must increase ours in order to stay alive. Thus, it is imperative to "raise your vibration" to match the frequency and vibration of Earth. 

On a soul level, this is our opportunity to end karmic cycles which have been trapping us into reincarnating on this dense plane of existence. When you learn the lesson from adversity, or a challenging relationship, and choose forgiveness, the cycle is ended. So when something “triggers” you, look at it as a blessing letting you know where there’s work to be done. 

Getting a “Download”

When you get a sudden flow of information in your head, this is known as a “download.”

It can come in many forms. Some examples are, numbers or information that just come to you while meditating, words that flow while you’re journaling, or even repetitive song lyrics.

Try entering number sequences you get into a search engine and see what comes up. If you get repetitive song lyrics, look them up. A lot of times there’s a message for you in there. I like to journal my “downloads” and even created a song playlist to keep track. 

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